Both the RK45 and SR12 use the same nRF52832-QFAB based SoC, while both examples devices had differing board revisions both had identical connector pinouts and near identical component placement. Of notable difference was the addition of a 2200uf capacitor attached to the RK45s board plugged into the X1 pin header.
pins are counted from the antenna end of the board.
- 1 - GND
- 2 - V3.3
- 3 - SWDIO
- 4 - SWDCLK
X2 Ext Sensor and IR emitters
- 1 - GND Ext jack
- 2 - NC (extra IO) - p0.28 (pulled high, unwired input, activation bit 2 of the upper nibble of byte 02, counter in the first nibble of byte 05 )
- 3 - NC (extra IO) - p0.29 (pulled low, no noticeable change in telemetry when brought high, no hit detection when connected to ext jack data line, voltage pulse when trigger activated, likely unwired output)
- 4 - Sensor Data Ext Jack - p0.30
- 5 - Anode of cone IR LED
- 6 - Common sink (Cathode) of both IR emitters
- 7 - Anode of focused Emitter
- 8 - V3.3 Ext Jack
- 1 - Muzzle red LED
- 2 - Vbat - Muzzle red LED
- 3 - power button sink
- 4 - power LED sink (Cathode)
- 5 - Vbat (in the sr12 this is NC as they get Vbat directly off the battery pack, in the RK45 it is connected to the power button/led board)
- 6 - Vbat (NC on both RK45 and sr12)
X4 Switches
- 1 - GND for trigger
- 2 - GND for reload
- 3 - GND for ppt
- 4 - trigger - p0.12
- 5 - NC (pulled high when brought low activates chip reset) - p0.21
- 6 - reload - p0.11
- 7 - ppt - p0.23
X5 internal sensors
- 1 - GND
- 2 - V3.3
- 3 - data left - p0.20
- 4 - GND
- 5 - V3.3
- 6 - data front - p0.19
- 7 - GND
- 8 - V3.3
- 9 - data right - p0.18
J1 - Power
- 1 - GND (left pin)
- 2 - Vbat (right pin)
J2 - Recoil Motor
- 1 - Sink (-)
- 2 - Vbat (+)
power draws
fluke 179
rk45 current draws, 95% fresh energizer insustreal cells
start v 5.900 end 5.835 set to auto min/max max observed value listed
off: 0.001
on: 0.014
ext sensor added 0.001
connected: 0.015
receving tag: 0.016
TX nr idnc : 0.095
TX nr odnc : 0.500
TX nr odwc : 0.950
TX rc idnc : 1.275
TX rc odnc : 1.435
TX rc odwc : 1.538